
All our events


ACL Classic Tour

The ACL Classic Tour is for classic car enthusiasts ready to enjoy a drive along Luxembourg’s picturesque roads.

Start of registration: from 13 December 2024
End of registration: 31 March 2025

We look forward to welcoming you again next year on 29 May 2025.

ACL Classic Tour
ACL Classic Tour
  • Be first-aid-ready: be prepared to act

    The ACL offers first-aid training and awareness-raising courses through its training centre, ‘ACL Académie’, to help people recognise emergency situations and respond effectively.

    First-aid courses – ACL training
  • Basic motorcycle training level 2

    If you want to deepen your knowledge or refresh it after a break, this motorcycle training is for you.


    Please note: Motorcyclists wishing to enrol on a level 2 training course must have completed the level 1 training course.


  • Basic motorbike training level 1

    If you want to deepen your knowledge or refresh it after a break, this motorcycle training is for you.

  • ACL Oldtimermaart

    Buying and selling classic vehicles without intermediary fees

    Véhicules historiques - ACL Oldtimermaart - événement
  • Bazaar for used child seats

    Do you need an almost new baby car seat or a second child seat for the car?


    The ACL is once again organising its popular child car seat bazaar!


    Seats can be dropped off at ACL in Bertrange and Ingeldorf (34, route d’Ettelbruck) from 28 April to 2 May 2025 between 9 am and 5 pm or until the maximum number of 300 seats in Bertrange and 50 seats in Ingeldorf is reached.

  • ACL Campingsmaart

    The unmissable event for lovers of leisure and the great outdoors

    Campingsmaart - Event ACL
  • On-road motorbike training

    If you want to improve your knowledge, or refresh it after a break, this motorbike training course is for you.


    Motorcyclists wishing to enrol on a road training course must have completed a basic training level 1 beforehand to ensure that participants are adequately prepared to cope with a day on the road and, more importantly, to enjoy it properly.