ACL Classic Tour - For lovers of classic cars
The ACL Classic Tour is for classic car enthusiasts ready to enjoy a drive along Luxembourg’s picturesque roads.
We look forward to welcoming you again next year on 29 May 2025.
- Meeting point at ACL BertrangeStatus : Open
This is a chance to admire beautiful machines and chat with other vintage car fans.
Itinerary for 29 May 2025
7.30 am: Meeting point at ACL Bertrange
8.30 am: Briefing
9 am: Departure of the first car
1 pm: Lunch break at Wemperhardt, home to the largest collection of Steyr tractors in the world
2 pm: Departure of the first car
5 pm: Arrival at the Parc Hôtel Alvisse in Dommeldange.
6:30 pm Dinner
approx. 9:30 pm: End of the event
You will be given the exact route (240 km) and a road book before the start of the ACL Classic Tour.
Event prices
Crew pilot and co-pilot (2 people): €230
Crew pilot and co-pilot + each additional person: €230 + €100
Pilot without co-pilot (1 person): €130
Children (< 12 years): free
Please note that your registration will only be confirmed after the registration fee has been paid.
Please read the following forms before registering and confirm them:
Please note: at the end of your registration, we will ask you to agree to the ‘Règlement ACL Classic Tour’ and the ‘Abandon de recours’!
Procuration pour l’utilisation d’un véhicule par un tiersRèglement ACL Classic Tour 2025Abandon de recours du 29 mai 2025
If you have any questions or special requests, you can contact us at or +352 450045-1932.
We also draw the attention of participants in our events to the fact that they may appear in photos or videos taken during the event. These recordings are intended for publication in the print or digital media published by ACL.