
All our events
  • Riding with your family

    Learn how to drive together and how to stay safe on the road with your children.

    ACL cycle training
  • Safety and e-bikes

    Discover the special features of the electric bike and learn how to use it safely.

    ACL cycle training
  • Learn to ride a bike

    Never cycled before? It’s never too late to learn and enjoy the pleasure of cycling!


    ACL cycle training
  • Be first-aid-ready: be prepared to act

    The ACL offers first-aid training and awareness-raising courses through its training centre, ‘ACL Académie’, to help people recognise emergency situations and respond effectively.

    First-aid courses – ACL training
  • Basic motorcycle training level 2

    If you want to deepen your knowledge or refresh it after a break, this motorcycle training is for you.


    Please note: Motorcyclists wishing to enrol on a level 2 training course must have completed the level 1 training course.


  • Basic motorbike training level 1

    If you want to deepen your knowledge or refresh it after a break, this motorcycle training is for you.

  • On-road motorbike training

    If you want to improve your knowledge, or refresh it after a break, this motorbike training course is for you.


    Motorcyclists wishing to enrol on a road training course must have completed a basic training level 1 beforehand to ensure that participants are adequately prepared to cope with a day on the road and, more importantly, to enjoy it properly.