
What will your future vehicle be?

Technologies, regulations, restrictions: Discover the solutions that will be available to you!


The ACL invites you to its public conferences dedicated to the future of personalised mobility. These events, led by our mobility experts, are organised in partnership with various municipalities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Tuesday 25 February 2025 - Wincrange
  • 7pm to 9:15pm
    Centre Culturel - 7, Haaptstrooss - L-9780 Wincrange
    Status : Open

As we move towards a more sustainable future and technological development accelerates, the transition from internal combustion engines to electric or hybrid engines raises many questions. This public conference aims to educate attendees on all aspects related to the purchase of their next vehicle.

Our experts will tell you all about :

  • The latest technological developments and forecasts
  • Financial incentives for electrified vehicles and charging stations
  • The criteria you should use to choose your vehicle in this context
  • The different types of batteries, their diagnosis and recycling
  • Public and private charging stations
  • The payment options (cards, mobile applications, subscriptions)
  • Should you favour buying or leasing?

ACL’s mobility experts will develop all these topics and answer your questions at this conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for the future of personalised mobility!

The conferences are held in Luxembourgish and participation is free of charge.

Nevertheless, registration is required.

Timetable: Welcome at 6:30pm, start of the conference at 7pm, end at 9:15pm.

We also draw the attention of participants in our events to the fact that they may appear in photos or videos taken during the event. These recordings are intended for publication in the print or digital media published by ACL.


Past conferences
Tuesday 15 March 2022Pavillon de Clervaux
Tuesday 17 May 2022Enovos
Wednesday 8 June 2022Tramschapp
Tuesday 20 September 2022Centre Atert Bertrange
Wednesday 21 September 2022Mamer Schlass Mamer
Thursday 15 December 2022City of Differdange
Thursday 9 March 2023Schuttrange municipality
Thursday 23 March 2023Hesperange municipality
Tuesday 18 April 2023Ettelbruck municipality
Thursday 8 June 2023Schengen municipality
Wednesday 25 October 2023Bascharage municipality
Tuesday 19 March 2024Wiltz municipality
Tuesday 14 May 2024Vianden municipality
Thursday 23 May 2024Rosport municipality
Thursday 27 June 2024Mondorf-les-Bains municipality
Sunday 14 July 2024Préizerdaul – Street-Festival
Thursday 3 October 2024Bourscheid
Thursday 7 November 2024 Kiischpelt municipality

New dates to come!