
Be first-aid-ready: be prepared to act

The ACL offers first-aid training and awareness-raising courses through its training centre, ‘ACL Académie’, to help people recognise emergency situations and respond effectively.

First-aid courses between 10 March and 10 April 2025
First-aid courses – ACL training

Whether you are travelling, at work or at home, knowing how to provide assistance can make all the difference.

As a mobility and assistance partner, the ACL is committed to raising awareness among its members and training them to act quickly and safely in critical situations. Training in life-saving techniques is not only a civic duty, but also a means of increasing everyone’s safety.


The ‘ACL Académie’ offers several training courses tailored to the needs of each individual.

First Aid (16 hrs): A comprehensive training course to learn how to respond to the most common emergencies.
Language: Luxembourgish25 and 26 March 20259 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Language: French9 and 10 April 20259 a.m. – 6 p.m.


First Aid at Home (3 hrs): A module that deals with accidents in everyday life and the most important household first aid measures.
Language: Luxembourgish31 March 20255 p.m.
Language: French18 March 20255 p.m.


First Aid for Babies (2 hrs): A specialised introduction to learning how to respond to an incident involving an infant or young child.
Language: Luxembourgish1 April 20255 p.m.
Language: French10 March 20256 p.m.


Price list

First Aid (16 hrs) Home First Aid (3 hrs)Baby First Aid (2 hrs)
Members186 €47 €32 €
Non-members235 €59 €40 €
Students160 €41 €27 €


Since a quick and appropriate response can save lives, the ACL will help you prepare for emergency situations.