Are you planning a trip to Austria or Switzerland? Remember to buy a vignette so that you can travel freely and without restrictions. They are available in ACL shops.
By purchasing this exclusive ACL calendar, you will directly support several foundations and charities. The calendar is available in our shops in Bertrange and Ingeldorf until 31 December 2024 in two sizes at a price of €19.50 and €9.
The 90th Paris Motor Show runs from 15 to 20 October and aims to boost car sales, particularly in the electric vehicle segment. An overview of what you can discover during a visit to Paris.
If you're in need of an almost new baby shell, a second child seat for the car or even for the grandparents, ACL is once again organising its very popular ‘Kannersëtzbazar’ (child seat bazaar)! To make the most of it, come along to ACL's sites in Bertrange and Ingeldorf on 19 October 2024 from 9am to 1pm.
On 13 October, 200 bikers covered the 120 kilometres of the End of Season Moto Tour 2024. The cool temperatures did not discourage the many participants in this outing organised by ACL and the Maison du Motard.
On the occasion of the historic visit of Pope Francis to Luxembourg, significant disruptions are expected regarding traffic and parking in the capital.
The International Automobile Federation (FIA) is launching a wide-ranging campaign to sensitise drivers to the particular dangers around schools. The ACL will publicise the campaign via its social networks. In addition, the Luxembourg police will be mobilised in the school districts.
The Oldtimermaart is an annual event for lovers of old cars. It is open to all ACL members who want to sell a car that is at least 20 years old, but also to anyone who wants to buy a historic vehicle. Visit us on 28 September 2024 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bartringen on the ACL grounds!
The Luxembourg Red Cross is currently training a handful of carers to ride e-bikes in the city. Following ACL training, the aid organisation will start a test phase with 20 electric bikes.
Selon le bilan du ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, 26 personnes sont mortes dans un accident de la route et 347 personnes ont été gravement blessées en 2023.
During her morning visit, the minister was able to tour the club's facilities in Bertrange and familiarise herself with the many services offered by ACL. Martine Hansen also held talks with Miriam Eisenmenger to identify areas for future collaboration, in a mutual desire to strengthen ties between her department and the ACL.