
Zones scolaires : « conduisez avec prudence »

La Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) lance une vaste campagne de sensibilisation rappelant aux conducteurs de rester attentifs aux abords des zones scolaires. L’ACL relayera cette campagne sur ses réseaux sociaux. De plus, la police luxembourgeoise sera mobilisée dans les zones scolaires.

Published on 09/09/2024

Around schools: ‘Drive carefully’

The International Automobile Federation (FIA) is launching a wide-ranging campaign to sensitise drivers to the particular dangers around schools. The ACL will publicise the campaign via its social networks. In addition, the Luxembourg police will be mobilised in the school districts.

‘Children do not have the same cognitive abilities as adults. They cannot realistically judge the speed of a car and are easily distracted by their surroundings,’ the FIA emphasises in a press release.

This year’s campaign warmly encourages drivers to remain vigilant at all times around schools, as a lot can happen on the way to school. The ‘Drive Carefully’ campaign is part of the ‘Vision Zero’ concept, which focuses on mutual respect, responsibility and caution in road traffic environments. ‘The FIA contributes to a safe mobility culture with our programmes for children and drivers. This year, the campaign was launched just before our European Road Safety Education Competition, which is considered the Eurovision of road safety for children aged 10 to 12. As a mum and a driver, I am very proud that we are actively involved in making the journey to school safer for everyone,’ said Laurianne Krid, Director General of FIA Region I (Europe, Middle East and Africa).

The FIA campaign for the safety of children around schools has been running since 2 September in 27 languages and 27 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In Luxembourg, the campaign has been distributed via the Automobile Club Luxembourg since 15 September. The awareness campaign, which runs throughout September, is supported by the FIA Safe and Sustainable Mobility Grants Programme.

Special consideration in the vicinity of schools
The Grand Ducal Police will increase its presence around Luxembourg’s schools, as it does at the start of every school year. At this year’s start of the new school year, they will be present in particular around school facilities and will be available to assist teaching staff and parents. Every year at the start of school after the summer holidays, the police carry out checks to ensure the safety of young children, parents and teachers in particular. The focus of police work is increasingly on speeding and parking offences around schools and on the way to and from school. Another focus is on administrative offences such as disregarding the obligation to wear seat belts and generally all dangerous driving manoeuvres.
To raise awareness, the police have published a leaflet explaining the rules of caution to children.

Last year, 634 chargeable warnings were issued for parking offences and 261 chargeable warnings for speeding. A further 68 chargeable warnings were issued for not wearing a seatbelt (39 cases related to adults and 21 cases to minors) and for not using an approved child seat (8 cases), which is mandatory for the transport of children aged 3 to 17 years with a height of less than 150 cm. In this context, we would like to remind you once again of the rules in force for the transport of children by car, which are available on the ACL website.