
Bike school for everyone

To learn or relearn how to cycle.

  • 9am to 1pm
    ACL Karting - Salle de Formation - 152, rue de Limpach - L-3932 Mondercange
    Status : Open

Through its Maison du Cycliste centre, the ACL offers courses for getting (back) on the saddle and preventive cycling.


  • To get the most hesitant among you (back) on the saddle by accompanying you and teaching you safety
  • Introduce you to the electric-assisted bike and enable you to grasp all its special features
  • Develop your road sense

How do we do this?
First of all, we determine your level and your level of uncertainty through a survey. We explain the specific features of the different types of bike, especially the e-bike.
Then we remind you of the rules that apply to riders of bicycles or e-bikes, how to put them into practice and comply with them, and explain what to look out for.
Then, after some technical tips, we check our bike and safety equipment. We get into the saddle for some skill exercises.
Finally, we take to the road to discover the fun of riding an e-bike and put the advice given into practice.

4 hours

Price per person :

  • 109 € for ACL members
  • 196 € for non-ACL members

Please transfer your payment to the account of
ACL – Sport, Loisirs et Événements Sàrl – BGLLLULL LU27 0030 1216 9490 0000
with the note: Bicycles and e-bikes training from (date) + your name.

Place of the training :
ACL Sports, Leisure and Events.
ACL Karting – Training room
152, rue de Limpach
L-3932 Mondercange

Maximum number of participants :
A threshold of 10 participants is required for the training to take place. If there are fewer than 10 participants, the Maison du Cycliste reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course.

Required material and information :

  • Authorised helmet is compulsory
  • Come with your electric bike
  • Participants who do not yet have an electric bike or would like to test an electric bike before buying one can request a hire bike by calling +352 379001
  • A safety waistcoat will be provided for you

Cancellation policy:
Please note that cancellation by the participant will be accepted up to two weeks before the course date at the latest. If the participant cannot/will not come to another date, the course fee will be refunded in full. If the course has to be cancelled on our part (the maximum number of participants has not been reached or there are bad weather conditions such as heavy rain, ice or snow), the course fee will be refunded in full.

Please indicate your language preference when you register. Luxembourgish, French, English, German. We will try to fulfil your expectations as well as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to organise a learning group for a specific date.



We advise participants at our events that they may appear in photographs or videos taken during the event. These recordings are intended for publication in the written or digital media published by the ACL.